part 1.
-Do u work or study? wheredo u work?
-what degree or certificate u had to get?
-Are there other things u need to do to progress in your career?
-what is your daily meal time like?
-is there any difference in your eating habit btw now and when u were a child.
-is there someone u like to eat with.
-do u prefer tp cook or eat out? why
part 2.
Talk about an interesting person u know that is a foreigner. either u met in person or u heard about the person.
who this person is?
what the person does?
why this person is interesting to you.
part 3
-what is the difference btw products made by international companies and the local products. And why is there difference
-Advantages and disadvantages of working abroad
-will cultural differences affect international companies
-why is it essential for countries to come together and help each other.