*Part 1
-What’s your full name ?
-Where are you from ?
-Do you work or study ?
-What do you study ?
-Do you usually remeber your dreams when you wake up ?
-Do you like to know about ather people dreams ?
-Do you believe that dreams have meaning ?
-Would you like to study or know more about dreams ?
-What do you think or feel about robots ?
-What you would feel if you were in car which a robot is driving ?
-Did you like robot when you as a child and when you saw them on TV/cartoons?
*Part 2
Describe a shop that opened in your city/town
You should say :
Where it is
What it sells
Who would go there
and why do think this shop would be successful
*Part 3
Questions like
How shops can attract cotumers
How the younger people would be attracted to a shop
Do you think that online ads would attract the youger people or the older people
And finally how do you think that price and quality would affect on a costumer to purchase a product