1. Introduction
After telling my name and place, the examiner asked me what I currently do studying/working. When I replied that I am pursuing my PhD in Coastal Engineering I was asked a few questions related to that.
Part 2 Email Vs. Letter
a. Do you prefer to send email/letter? why?
b. How do people in my country send a letter?
c. Do you prefer to email/make a call?
Part 3 – Being polite
a. Who taught you to be polite when you were a child?
b. How do you express politeness in your culture?
c. Whom do you think being polite is more important?
d. Do you think there is a difference in the younger generation compared to the older generation in the idea of being polite?
Part 4- Free gift
Talk 2-3 min about a) a Free gift that you got b) what was it c) why did you get it d) How you felt about it.